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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Double Talk

Today is the big day...Harris Teeter Super Doubles starts today and runs through next Tuesday. So dig out all your coupons valued at $1.98 or less.

I'm not complaining, but I have never seen a $1.98 coupon! The highest value I have ever seen is $1.75. Too bad HT couldn't up the value to $2. Now, that would be over the rainbow!!

Sleeping Beauty and I didn't shop together, although we did see each other there. And NO, we are not mad at each other. I still adore her. Mr. and Mrs. Beauty shopped together. I had the two little Pinches with me, and I needed to have my car in case I had to make a quick exit if they started playing bumper cars with the little buggies again. I do love those two little people but shopping with them is NOT fun!

Anyway, I did give in and buy the two munchkins some fruit snacks. They think I am wonderful...and I am! But I had an ulterior motive. If you buy four fruit snacks, you get a catalina for $2 off your next order. So with coupons, the fruit snacks were only $1 each. That's a small price to pay for my sanity.

I have an issue with the milk. In the HT email, the ad lists the milk at $2.47 but there is a disclaimer that says the "price may vary by market." Yeah, it varies alright...it is $3.49. I needed milk anyway. So beware, milk is NOT on sale here.

And I know there is a lot of the Breyers YoCrunch yogurt, but that stuff is good, especially the cheesecake! Yummy!!

Now for the FREEBIES...Lysol wipes ($1 hangtag), Lysol cleaner ($1 hangtag), Danimals and Dan-o-nino yogurt. HT has a lot of other freebies, but they will have to wait another day to come home with me. I used my Peter Pan coupons last week...little did I know that Peter Pan would be free today with the eVIC special. Oh well!

Shelf Price: $87.41
minus VIC and eVIC: $29.34
minus Coupons: $33.98
minus Catalina: $2 (from the fruit snacks)
minus Catalina: $10 (from yesterday's Kellogg's deal)

I paid $12.09 (which includes the overpriced milk).

I'll be back at HT tomorrow "to confer, converse and otherwise hob-nob with my brother wizards."


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