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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Will Work For Food

I worked hard on this meal. HA HA HA HA

Ribs (price before VIC savings $20.07) = $10.02
Corn-on-the-Cob (25¢ each x 5) = $1.25
Cantaloupe ($1.49; ate 1/2) = 75¢
Potatoes (3) = 63¢
BBQ Sauce for Ribs = FREE
Aluminum Foil for Ribs = FREE
Butter and Sour Cream for Potatoes = FREE
Iced Tea = FREE

Price of meal for 2 adults and 2 children = $12.65

I am using the ribs receipt for the Coors Light any meat $7.50 rebate. I am using the potatoes, corn and cantaloupe receipt for the Blue Moon $5 rebate. I did not add in sugar for the tea or salt/pepper. Anyway, this meal cost less than $1!!

It's a good thing I bought Zegerid Sunday at Walgreens. (Zegerid is a wonderful heartburn OTC medicine.) Mr. Pinch got heartburn from the BBQ sauce. Or did he have indigestion because of me?

Box of Zegerid = $10
minus $3Q and $5 RR
Cost = $2 (plus tax)

Walgreens/Zegerid catalina rebate: $10

I work hard to make money...if it's by giving Mr. Pinch indigestion, oh well! Too bad, so sad.


1 comment:

  1. Got me beat!

    Oh, btw my SIL would like the rebate forms if you have any left friend!
