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Friday, December 17, 2010

Twas Days Before Christmas - Harris Teeter

I made a quick trip to Harris Teeter and it is not Super Doubles or Triples, but I can get some stocking stuffers for a decent price...shave gel and Blistex, NOT frozen veggies in the stockings. NO, NO, NO! Hmmm, well...I could do that, couldn't I?

Anyway, I could have probably done better but I didn't have a lot of time, so I just went with it.

Before any coupons my total was $56.88, after coupons I paid $12.96. From what I can tell they didn't deduct $1.00 for the Green Giant veggies (buy 10 get 1 free). I will have to stop in tomorrow and get them to correct that.

Never mind, I just figured it out. The veggies ring up at odd amounts, not $1 each. For example, the green peas ring up like this:
GG June Peas $1.95
VIC savings -.10
VIC savings -.95
Price you pay .90

The other Green Giant items may have a price you pay of .90, corn of .95, etc. It all comes out in the end to being correct. Eleven Green Giants for $10. The registers must be pretty darn smart to figure that one out! I was looking for it to deduct that 11th one some other way. Silly me!

The Blistex is B1G1. I saw two different kinds at B1G1. I chose the Raspberry Lemonade Blast. Sounds yummy, doesn't it? One rings up at $1.49 minus the VIC savings of 75¢, price you pay is 74¢ minus 25¢ Q doubled = 28¢ OOP for Blistex. I did this deal three times in separate transactions and one time with what is pictured.

No chapped lips for us this winter!

==Sleeping Beauty==

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