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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nutty Good News/Bad News At CVS

The good news...the red magic machine at CVS is spitting out an ECB for $2.50 off any Planters Flavor Grove almonds. I got one ECB on Sunday and another one today. The almonds are on sale for $2.50 this week. All you have to pay is tax of 5¢.

Now the bad news...there aren't any in the store. I stopped by the CVS near the kiddo's school. The shelf was empty. There was someone stocking the shelves and I asked if there were any in the boxes. Nope...he didn't think they got anymore in. So I stopped by another CVS near my house and their shelf was empty also.

Note to CVS: YOUR sale, YOUR coupon out of YOUR machine. And you don't stock enough product??? Come one CVS people...you have to know that dedicated Coupon Peeps are going to actually want this product since it is only going to cost us 5¢. PLAN, CVS PEOPLE, PLAN!!! Think ahead. Order more product.

Rant over, now back to your regularly scheduled program!


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