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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Target Trippin'

I was lucky enough to be able to print a Target Q for $10 off any Mohawk rug. Then I was lucky enough for our Target to have these rugs on clearance. Hmm, seems everything was lining up for a change. I guess I left out the part about the rugs being $7.48 for a 4 x 6 foot, not a bad price and with the Q it gets even better. Not knowing if they would take the entire $10 off or adjust the Q down, I was prepared.

Bottom line:
Loaf of bread $1.29
Chapstick clearance 82¢
One Mohawk rug $7.48
Minus 50¢ Q for the bread

Those items come to $9.09
Balance due by me = ZERO

That's right I paid nothing, nada, zip.

I needed the bread. My youngest daughter just asked if I had any chapstick in my stash. And I don't have a clue what I will do with the rug, but I am sure I will find a place!

==Sleeping Beauty==

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